It has 15 chapters. Chapter 13 on "Steps to Freedom in Christ" is a general but intensive guide to renunciating all past lies believed. I've spent about 18 hours over 4 days working and praying through Chapter 13. It's spiritual warfare where the weapons are prayers and faith, not against flesh and blood, but meant to bring down spiritual strongholds. After this episode, I can say now that for the first time in life, I've got a clean slate.
I would gladly recommend this book and this '7-Steps to Freedom in Christ' exercise to all my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ out there, especially to all those with a complex past/background and prior experiences with the cults and occults etc. If you've some nagging fears, anxieties and doubts, go through these 7 steps and you'll know for sure that you've cleared out the clutter from your heart, and be set free to walk more victoriously in Christ. Try it for your own sake.
Briefly, the 7 steps are:
Step 1 - Going through a checklist of non-Christian spiritual activities (such as out of body experience, trances, spirit guides etc), confess and renounce each item you were involved in through a declaration against the enemy, canceling any and all ground that they have gained in your life, and thanking God for His forgiveness. There is also a checklist on wrong priorities and areas of idolatry to work on.
Step 2 - Renouncing and praying through a checklist of false worldly beliefs, self-deceptions and defence mechanisms/escapisms, choosing to only believe God's truth, about what God says about us and not what the world says about us.
Step 3 - Releasing bitterness and forgiving all those who have wronged you, and blessing them.
Step 4 - Going through a checklist of areas where you have rebelled against authorities and adopting a submissive spirit and a servant's heart.
Step 5 - Dealing with pride/humility and prejudice/bigotry.
Step 6 - Confessing sins and being delivered from all bondages.
Step 7 - Confessing ancestral sins (as brought to mind by God) and breaking all generational curses.
So there, you have it. Even if you don't intend to go through the 7 steps, studying the book itself may bring about a paradigm shift, change your mindset and inspire you to trust God at His Words, and be set free from many mistakened pre-conceived lies we are so accustomed to.
Please share with me your insights gained after reading the book. May the Lord bless you all.
Thanks for the info Jane, I am going to check this book out.
Thanks for sharing. I am glad your burden has been lifted. Blessings. Rae
I'm glad things cleared out there, and thank you very much for recommending the book. I think meditation and/or prayer of any kindcan help you focus and clear your mind. I love the title The Bondage Breaker, it's dramatic, I also like the fact it contains steps, like a little spiritual to-do list. Sometimes we need a little map to our goals. Can't say I agree with all but that's a whole different story:)
Hi Jane
I too am glad that you've found the peace about many things that satan tried to use to hold you in bondage!For "Peace" is God's will for his children and the word of God is the cure as you've learned,and I thank God for the book and the Author that God used to lead you right back to Him,that is what other Bible material should do.I enjoyed your post very much,keep seeking God and he will reveal himself to you!
Love you much Jane
Jane, thank you very much for sharing this information. Looks like some really good grounding material. Appreciate you thinking of me dear one. Blessings.
Thanks so much Jane for thinking about me in regards to this book. Actually I own it myself and have for quite some time. However I probably should read up on it again to remind me everything that was in the book. It is a very good helpful book in overcoming very many obstacles that an individual may suffer over. I loved it awhile back when I read it the first time, however it's been quite some time that I've picked it up again, so maybe you bringing it to my attention is sign from God that I need to reread it or at least skim through it again. Thanks so much. I really appreciate you thinking of me and leaving your message in my 'Drop a Note' box on my blog. Blessings my friend,
Thank you all for your kind notes.
The Christian walk may seem hard to some, especially pre-believers cos it's natural to wonder, "Why can't we just live as we are and be happy?" My personal take is that God's will is for our best interest. Anyway I've let go of many fears and anxieties, and that's the way to go. :)
Hi Jane, sorry took so long to check your blog. If you don't mind, I'm copying your post so I can read it more carefully a little bit later 'cause I'm using somebody's computer at the moment. And thank you so much for sharing it and invited me. God bless you.
Yes, God's will is for our best interest!
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