Perhaps it's my cold acting up that I'm a little melancholic lately, toying with the thought that perhaps I should move on to a more respectable job? A sales job isn't the most sought after job in my country. Many people look down on sales people. There is not one single sales-person out there who doesn't have a story to tell of his/her client from h*** .
It's funny how basic courtesies are discarded when people meet salesmen. I once visited a family that let their dog barked at me without restraint while they expect me to tell them the purpose of my visit above the din. When I couldn't make myself heard above the ferocious barking, the man arrogantly waved me away. I left after glancing at the huge cross hanging on their front door.
And my colleagues had it worse when they were literally 'swept' away during a home-visit. They were talking to the man of the house at the door while the woman of the house stood between them and swept dust right onto their feet! In Asian culture, this is the worst insult! You sweep dirt out of the house, NOT people.
Each time I face rejection, I take them in my strides as part and parcel of my job, but I can't help feeling a sense of disappointment when someone disregard another fellow human being with such disdain. And when I meet Christians who misbehave thus, my disappointment doubles.
May God have mercy on snobbish people that they won't find themselves retrenched and soliciting for sales on the streets! Then, there are nice people who, by choice, choose to be gentle with us, offering us drinks, treating us as guests, may the Lord richly bless and reward these kind souls, many of whom aren't Christians.
So, while my ex-classmate misconceives that I'm down and out, she has no idea that I've chosen one of the most challenging careers in the world! I know God is working out His plans in my life through this job and as long as God is with me, I don't care what others think of me. :)