I've lived long enough on planet Earth to be able to discern what's right and wrong! Or do I?
Well, there are times when I got confused. Recently I've done something drastic in a moment of fury to help a friend. I thought it was a good deed and though it seemed to have better the life of the one I'd helped, my action had disrupted and derailed the lives of others.
This burden gnawed at my conscience for many a days until a preacher shared on Mark 2:1-12. It was the story of 4 men who carried their friend, a paraplegic to Jesus for healing. When they reached Peter's house where Jesus was in, they couldn't get in because of the crowd.
So what did the 4 men do? Return home and come again another day? Wait for their turn? They couldn't wait, they refused to wait and they made a drastic decision. They climbed up to the roof of the house and hacked it opened till they could lower their friend to Jesus' feet. They didn't care what others thought of them, ignored the shouts and fury of others to stop hacking, and perhaps risked being hauled to court later on for damaging Peter's property. Because of their determination and love, their friend was ultimately healed by Jesus.
There and then at that moment when this story was re-told at the pulpit, my eyes moistened. I was touched. The preacher was teaching another sermon with that story but God ministered to me in another way.
Imagine, would you approve of such anti-social behaviours? The vandalism of property? The audacity to interrupt a conference where Jesus was the guest-of-honour? And not waiting in line for one's turn? Would you? But Jesus did not reprimand the 4 men. He overlooked their rashness and had his eyes fixed on the man in need ...
I cried because I felt like one of the men. I'm so thankful to God for looking beyond my mistakes and blessing my friend...
Chicken Pot Pie Biscuits
These Chicken Pot Pie Biscuits are a quick and easy way to make a
comforting dish. They're great for a cozy family dinner or a potluck, and
everyone wil...
2 months ago
Good morning,
I was recently reading this same passage in Mark. I too was struck by the attitude of these men. To them is was not a question of Will God? They were convinced in their hearts that God will; nothing would hinder their effort to reach Jesus. Too often in my life, I have stopped at this question.
The road is long and arduous but I do believe God will.
My Thought-filled Journey
Thats a common theme that comes up again and again in the Gospel. People coming to Christ with a simple, powerful, childlike faith. It makes me ashamed at how easily I become doubtful at times. Thank you for the good read!
Jane that is awesome. Yes sometimes we have to do the thing that looks crazy, disruptive, and not responsible. Sometimes God gives us a righteous anger so we will move. Those men tired of seeing their friend in pain and illness and they did something about it. Sometimes we have to interrupt our lives for God. Sometimes even after we have done it, it looks like a mistake....but wait. God may delay his plan but he never disposes of it. He will answer your faith.
Thank you all!
Thank you all!
I enjoyed reading your blog. May God bless you.
Hi John, thank you.
Thanks for the opportunity Mike, I'd spent time doing the interview but couldn't submit it as the confirmation link said that the interview does not apply to my area. It's ok. :)
I love the way that Jesus sees us and accepts us, not like how men do. Thank you for leaving me an encouraging comment. I'm not sure if you're taking a blog break? I hope that's what it means and that you will continue to write for His glory. I just pray that whatever He wills for you, that may it be done. God bless you sister. Be strong in the Lord's mighty power.
Thank you rcubes.
That's a heartwarming story. I hope you are having a wonderful Easter!
Thank you Elizabeth, yes, I have a wonderful Easter, and hope you have one too. :)
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