
Fear Of Loosing Out

What I really want to do now is to take a break from ALL kinds of job, even self-employment, but I'm afraid that I'll loose out if I don't get another job now cos I'm already 51, and I may loose momentum if I delay too long!

I've been offered an opportunity to be part of a pioneer sales team in a company specializing in cognitive development programs. This company intends to launch its sales aggressively and the job looks promising. But I'm not sure whether it's for me, and even if it's for me, should I join it NOW!

My spouse's weight has gone down, his doesn't sleep as well as before and his blood pressure is at times lower than usual. It could be due to his busy work schedule or anxieties, anyway, it worries me. As his wife, I wish to be able to help him. I've thought of exercising more with him, providing him with more home-cooked food, and planning our family's future together, discussing on how we should re-position ourselves for the future etc.

But now, what am I to do with this offer to start selling again? I'm a little vexed. Perhaps I should just shelve it till later? But the sales fair will be on next weekend and think about the amount of leads I'll be wasting if I don't go! And I'm afraid that I'll regret it if I don't join the company now, but then again, I'm not quite ready for this yet. Unlike the last sales job which I really believed in, the one that I dived right into, this one, it's like, "Oh sales again huh? ok ..." but I've no zest left in me.

Perhaps it's my PMT or what, for those of you who trust God, please pray for me to make the right decision. Thank you.


Libertine said...

Jane, I so feel for you. There is never a good advice to give when you are a stranger. It never is easy to decide where you are more needed: at home or in the field? Well, I am here and listening. Good luck

Jane said...

Thanks for listening. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, and thanks for your comment on my blog. I came to see yours, and found it interesting. Sorry to hear that you're out of work - there's a lot of that going around these days.

Hope you find something new that you will enjoy. Life is too short to work in a job you hate.

My blog

Christine said...

Glad that I read this. Thank you for posting.
I can relate 100% on all points.
And to be honest, I am stuck, still trying to figure these little gems out. It is just nice at this point not to feel alone.
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

nice blog
check mine http://netwoker.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

I completely understanding wanting a break from work of all types. I have been working on that for the last couple of years.

If you want and easy way to generate some income look for more affiliate programs like http://www.Japan-Domains.net
You just buy a store, put it on a web address and they do the work, People buy domains, hosting and more through your store. They do all the servicing.

Jane said...

Thanks Bushido, I'll go check it up. :)

Andrea said...

Hang in there. You're just getting warmed up. Watch out world!!! :)